Call for Abstracts - Submissions Are Now Closed

We appreciate your interest in contributing to the 2024 Latornell Conservation Symposium and Webinar Series. Your unique insights and experiences are invaluable to us.

Our theme this year is COLLABORATION: The Future of Conservation is Collaborative. In a world facing unprecedented environmental challenges, collaboration is key to finding effective and innovative solutions. Through this theme, we will explore and promote partnerships that can drive positive change in the conservation field.

We welcome proposals for presentations, panels, workshops, field tours, and webinars from a diverse range of individuals and organizations. This is your chance to help shape the future of conservation through Collaboration.

This year, we are excited to receive proposals for PechaKucha, a “talk less, show more” presentation. We are eager to see your brief and visually focused stories that will bring our collaboration theme to life!

Subject Areas & Focus Questions for SubmissionsApply Now

Below is a list of suggested topics grouped into three main streams

Water Collaboration

  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
  • Watershed Management
  • Advancements in flood prediction and extreme event forecasting
  • Natural Hazards
  • Source Water Protection
  • Stormwater Management
  • Aquatic species-at-risk
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing innovations
  • Artificial Intelligence Applications and Impacts on the Conservation Sector

Land Collaboration

  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
  • Terrestrial species-at-risk
  • Nature-based Solutions
  • Natural Heritage and Biodiversity
  • Land-Use Planning and Development
  • Landscape level erosion and sediment control
  • Urban and rural land conservation and restoration
  • Healthy and sustainable soils
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing innovations
  • Artificial Intelligence Applications and Impacts on the Conservation Sector

People Collaboration

  • Public Perception of Environment and Conservation
  • Fundraising, Finance, and Governance in Conservation Sector
  • Transformation of Program and Service Delivery
  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
  • Mental Health in the Workplace
  • Conflict Management
  • Conservation Authority Governance, Public Administration, and Business Area Leadership Wisdom/Experience sharing (the wisdom of elders)
  • Hybrid work challenges and opportunities for managing and supporting employees
  • Demographic Change in Canada and its effect on the Conservation Sector
  • Artificial Intelligence Applications and Impacts on the Conservation Sector

Focus Questions

Focus questions are intended to ensure that abstracts and, ultimately, symposium content are aligned with the collaboration theme and objectives associated with the 2024 gathering. Focus questions are also intended to:

  • Cause genuine and relevant inquiry into big ideas and core content;
  • Provoke thought, lively discussion, sustained inquiry, and new understanding
  • Require learners to consider alternatives, weigh evidence, support their ideas, and justify their answers;
  • Stimulate vital, ongoing rethinking of big ideas, assumptions, and prior lessons;
  • Spark meaningful connections with prior learning and personal experiences; or
  • Naturally recur, creating opportunities for transfer to other situations and subjects.

We strongly encourage content from Indigenous communities and other under-represented groups within the conservation sector.

Submit your Abstract

Submissions are now closed.

Call for Abstract


What ethnic groups best describe the presenter(s) 

The responses to this question will inform and guide future Latornell Conservation Symposium planning and programming decisions.

What ethnic groups best describe the presenter(s)
select all that apply

Select the category that best fits your presentation idea.

Who is the target audience for this presentation?
Please indicate the preferred forum for the delivery of the presentation.
Please select the type of presentation that best fits the suggested idea.